Best Affiliate Forward (BAF®)

Best fit-for-purpose, unbundled resources, and adhocracies in the market in 48 hours

The Best Affiliate Forward (BAF®) Request Process is a fast and effective method to screen and match the highest quality fit for purpose talent available for a defined role or position.

  • Provides quick and targeted access to the target resource pool based on a market-based model
  • Ensures efficient and effective matching and clearing of demand and supply thus identifying the best talent available for a defined role or activities
  • Provides highest transparency of existing opportunities across the existing resource pool
  • Opt-in participation in the BAF® process ensures that all stakeholders are aligned and informed
  • Keeps talent base engaged and motivated in career development by continuously delivering interesting and relevant career options and development pathways
  • Can be implemented and operated easily with minimal investment in time and cost.

To find out more about how a BAF® can help your team, please contact us here.